Our administrative and leadership staff consists of:
Executive Director: Keith Lickly, call Keith at 918-635-3633, or email keith.l@emslc.org
HR/Accounts Payable: Alicia Petree, 918-635-3632, or email alicia.b@emslc.org
Billing Manager: Tina Holley, 918-635-3631, or email tina.h@emslc.org
Medical Director: Dr. Worden, 1-405-876-7090, or email bill@heartlandmedicaldirection.org
Education Coordinator and PR: Cpt. Amanda Bandy, 918-635-3634, or email emslctraining2021@gmail.com
QA/QI Coordinator: Cpt. Ciera Crank, 918-635-3634, or email ciera.c@emslc.org
Fleet Coordinator/Scheduling Coordinator: Cpt. James Parker, 918-635-3634, or email james.p@emslc.org
Strike Team Coordinator: Josh Bell, 918-635-3634, or email jbell@emslc.org
Station 1 Sgt: Samuel Woodral
Station 2 Sgt: Mollie McGee
Station 3 Sgt: JD Shope
Station 4 Sgt: Terry McSpadden
Station 5 Sgt: Ashley Guin